#亚米经验值+1# Greenland cod is steamed with three seasonings: Haitian steamed fish soy sauce, Haitian cooking wine, Lee Kum Kee umami soy sauce, the fish is white in color and has no heavy fishy smell. Tofu, mushrooms, and chopped green onions are also added to add a rich taste. The steamed cod has delicate and firm meat, tender and delicious, with appropriate seasonings and delicious ingredients; the introduction of Haitian Brewing: Non-GMO soybeans are used, and the brewing process has been inherited for three hundred years. Haitian Steamed Fish Soy Sauce, the net weight of each bottle is 450ml, free of cholesterol and trans fatty acids, the main ingredients include: water, wheat, soybeans, white sugar, edible salt, etc.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 蒸格陵兰鳕鱼,准备了三种调味料:海天蒸鱼豉油,海天料酒,李锦记鲜味生抽,鱼肉色泽雪白,没有重的腥气,还放了豆腐、蘑菇、葱花,以增添丰富的口感。 蒸好的鳕鱼,肉质细致紧实,嫩滑鲜香,调料搭配合适,食材入味可口;海天酿造的介绍:采用了非转基因黄豆,承传三百年的酿造工艺。 海天蒸鱼豉油,每瓶的净重量为 450 毫升,无胆固醇、不含反式脂肪酸,主要配料成分包括有:水、小麦、大豆、白砂糖、食用盐等。