I've stocked up a lot of snacks at a discount, and this time I'm coming to Amway Senbei Strongly Amway Japan Angodo This sugar senbei is really delicious! I've bought it a few times and I'm not tired of it at all. The texture is hard and crunchy and not oily at all, the amount of sugar is just right, not overly sweet and the granulated sugar tastes good. Wangwang's purple rice senbei, with a light salt taste, have the fragrance of rice when chewing, and eat a guilt-free snack for grinding teeth. I eat a lot of snacks, this is a small refreshment I have ever bought
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yami_featured_image 本吃货打折囤了好多零食,这次来安利仙贝啦 强烈安利日本安吾堂这个砂糖仙贝,真的巨好吃!买了几次了,完全吃不腻。口感是硬脆的而且完全不会油,砂糖量恰到好处,不会过甜而且粗砂糖的口感很好。 旺旺的紫米仙贝,盐味淡淡的,嚼起来有米的清香,吃起来没有罪恶感的磨牙小零食。我吃零食比较重口味,这个算是我买过的小清新了