First of all, # 方家铺子 #This purple potato konjac flour has a very good appearance, 🍵looks very appetizing, and secondly, 🥤I love the combination of konjac flour + purple potato flour. You can add milk to dilute it when you eat it. It can be thickened and spread directly on the bread! 🍞🥯🥐 It’s super filling and it’s really convenient! It’s the good news for the eight people I’m waiting for. I don’t add 🍬sugar. The light sweetness of purple sweet potato, 🍫meal replacement can be used as a proper replacement for breakfast or dinner. 🍷I only use meal replacement for one meal a day, and I eat normally with a little exercise at other times. It’s been a month and I’ve lost seven to eight catties! 🍾Sisters, I don’t encourage you to go on a diet! It’s already very hard to reduce the fee, and you still don’t feel happy eating. You can eat some meal replacements like me, and you will be happier if you are full. 🥂🥂🥂🥂
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首先,# 方家铺子 #这款紫薯魔芋粉颜值很高,🍵看起来就很有食欲,其次,🥤好爱这个魔芋粉+紫薯粉的搭配,食用时可以加牛奶调稀一些喝,也可以调成稠的直接抹面包炫!🍞🥯🥐超有饱腹感的而且也是真的很方便!是我等早八人的福音,我自己是不会加🍬糖那些的,它本身会有点紫薯自带的淡淡的甜味,🍫代餐适当的替代早饭或晚饭就可以了,🍷我每天只有一餐会用代餐替代,其他时候都正常吃再配合一点运动,🫖这样吃差不多一个多月了有so了七八斤!🍾姐妹们我不鼓励你们节食!减费本来已经很辛苦了还要吃的不快乐,可以像我一样吃点代餐低卡饱腹会更快乐一些。🥂🥂🥂🥂