Unlimited repurchase of dried longan, it is so delicious! # 方家铺子 # I repurchased 方家铺子 1 bag of 450 grams of dried longan. It can be eaten for many days. The self-contained sealing strip is clean and hygienic. Delicate, fruity, sweet and delicious, not greasy at all. It can also be paired with wolfberry and chrysanthemum as a health-preserving tea to replenish blood and qi. # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #
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无限回购的桂圆干,实在太好吃啦!# 方家铺子 # 又回购了方家铺子桂圆干1袋450克,可以吃好多天,自带密封条干净卫生颗粒圆整,一捏就碎,外壳光滑不干瘪,没有坏果,我平时都是当零食吃果肉紧致,果味清香,香甜可口,一点也不腻。还可以和枸杞、菊花搭配当养生茶喝,补血又补气。# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #