#无惧紫外线# I bought a pair of Aobana sunscreen folding women's new glasses, cool black, and gave a beige storage bag as a gift, suitable for outdoor fitness, shopping, beach tours, driving, water sports, etc. About 22 grams, when taken out for use, the shading effect is good, comfortable to wear, and convenient to store. The purchase price was US$12.99 at that time.
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# 无惧紫外线 # 买了副 Aobana 防晒折叠女新款眼镜,酷黑色,赠送了米黄色的收纳包,适合户外健身,逛街,沙滩游,驾车,水上活动等,不易变形损坏;外出装在随身携带的挎包里,重量约 22 克,拿出使用时,遮光效果可以,佩戴舒适、收纳便捷,当时购入价 12.99 美元。