Little black sesame contains great energy🍖 Modern people have a lot of pressure in life, sit for a long time, can't fall asleep, and can't sleep well. You can eat more black sesame pills to nourish yin and kidney. Small black sesame pills contain great energy. To strengthen the body), maltose and honey are used instead of sucrose, and there is no other extra additions. The whole black sesame tastes thick and not easy to get fat. It is fragrant. Don’t forget to treat yourself when you are busy. # 方家铺子 ## 晒出你的美丽心机 ## 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationcaccc0 e77bf54971a2e622c8d29f53b2#
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小小黑芝麻蕴含大能量🍖 现代人生活压力大,久坐不动,睡不着、睡不好,可以多吃一些黑芝麻丸来滋阴益肾,小小的黑芝麻丸,蕴含大大的能量,添加阿胶(气血充足养颜强身),用麦芽糖和蜂蜜代替了蔗糖,没有其他多余的添加,整粒黑芝麻吃起来芝麻口感浓不容易胖,香,忙碌的时候不要忘记犒劳自己哦。# 方家铺子 ## 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 #