#上亚米瓜分10w+# In fact, I have eaten a lot of Lay's Lay's potato chips, which can be bought in American supermarkets, but I have only eaten the original flavor potato chips in yellow packaging, and I never expected that there are limited Thai-style potato chips. YAMI is a great treasure of snacks, you can buy anything you can think of! The limited Thai-style potato chips I ate today are seaweed-flavored. There are a lot of seaweed pieces on the surface of the potato chips. It really tastes like seaweed. The potato chips are very crispy. Well, after all, eating too much potato chips will cause you to get angry, but they are so delicious that you ate half of the pack before you knew it, so quickly put away the rest and seal it up, and then continue to eat tomorrow! In fact, Lay’s has launched a lot of limited flavors, but most of the limited Thai flavors are spicy, so I didn’t dare to try them too much, but this seaweed flavored potato chips is quite interesting!
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 其實 Lay's 乐事 薯片已經吃過不少了,在美國超市都可以買到,不過就只吃過黃色包裝的原味薯片,也是萬萬沒想到居然有推出限定泰國風味的薯片,只能說 YAMI 亚米 就是一個零食的大寶藏,想到的想不到的都能買到! 今天吃的這款限定泰國風味的薯片是海苔味的,在薯片的表面有不少的海苔碎,吃起來果然是海苔味十足,薯片非常香脆,本來就想著吃幾片就好,畢竟薯片吃多了會上火,但實在是太好吃啦,不知不覺中就吃掉了大半包,趕緊把剩下來的收好密封起來,然後明天繼續吃! 其實樂事還推出了不少的限定口味的,可是限定泰國風味多數都是辣的,也就沒太敢嘗試,不過這款海苔口味的薯片還挺有意思的!