# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # GLICO Pocky Decorated Biscuit Stick Chocolate Coated Biscuit Peach Flavor 55g. 1⃣️4⃣️. To be honest, it’s pretty good, did you use concentrated peaches? It must be fresher than eating fresh peaches, but it has been done well. It really smells like peaches. This peach flavor is sour, and it goes well with the white chocolate inside, so that the overall sweetness will not be very cloying. It's much better than the matcha ice cream. Although the box looks ugly, the contents are delicious. I will consider repurchasing it. Still a little sweet, but within my acceptable range.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # GLICO格力高 Pocky百奇 装饰饼干棒 巧克力涂层饼干 蜜桃味 55g。1⃣️4⃣️.说实话做的挺好的,用了浓缩桃子?肯定是比不得吃新鲜桃子来的新鲜,但是已经做的不错了。真的是水蜜桃的味儿,这个桃子味儿就是酸酸的,跟那个里面的白巧就搭的很好,让它整体的甜度不会非常的腻人。可比那个抹茶冰淇淋味的好太多了。虽然盒子长得挺难看的,但是里面东西也挺好吃的。我会考虑回购吧。还是有些甜,但是在我的接受范围内。