Since I was killed by my classmate An Liami on 2017/02/17, I have been out of control, and I said goodbye to Sephora 😂... Become a die-hard fan of Yami, and start a new stage of life 🐒 I am a snack food lover who loves beauty. 🌞 Here, I will recommend some conscientious beauty and skin care products to everyone. (I have sensitive and mixed oily skin, the recommended products may not be suitable for everyone, please pay attention to the baby ♥️) Japan SANA eyebrow pencil This eyebrow pencil is really easy to use 💃🏻 I am the so-called handicapped party who sees everyone and grabs a lot of hands 😭😭 The nose of this eyebrow pencil is very thin and smooth, and the color is not good enough. It will be too heavy, so even if the hand is crippled, you can grasp the weight well and outline an ideal eyebrow shape. For girls who don’t know how to draw eyebrows, you can choose to repair a suitable eyebrow shape like a beauty salon, and then fill in according to the eyebrow shape. Note that when drawing eyebrows, the head is light and the tail is heavy. Japan Leanani ultra-fine waterproof quick-drying liquid eyeliner Many people introduce the order in which beginners choose eyeliner, which is exactly the opposite of what I have concluded. I think as a novice, or handicapped, the problem is not being able to draw a smooth line right next to the base of the lashes. So the simple order should be: eyeliner > eyeliner > eyeliner. The tip of the liquid eyeliner is very thin, which can be easily attached to the root of the eyelashes, and it is liquid, which is very good for coloring, so it is easier to draw. I recommend Leanani's eyeliner, which holds makeup and removes easily. The nib is soft and the body is hard, so it's easy to control, suitable for novices and handicapped people. Japan IPSA Pure Beauty Flawless Tri-color Concealer I belong to the kind of cold mushrooms that will break out after staying up late for a long time and eating too much spicy food Not going down for a month or two in the middle... It's really embarrassing. This concealer has rescued me to some extent. After applying it, it is an ultra-thin layer, but it can cover the color of the entire acne well, and there will be no extra bumps. (So I estimate that the effect of the dark circles should also be good.) Most importantly, the most feared thing about covering acne is that the first layer of concealer that has just been covered with the makeup powder will be destroyed, and this concealer will not appear. this kind of problem. However, it should be noted that it is best to choose a darker color when covering acne, otherwise the raised acne will be more obvious under the light (like highlighting). Japan Marshmallow Oil Control Powder I really bought a lot of powders, because I have oily-combination skin, so I basically tried them as long as they got rave reviews. This Canmake may not be the best, but it is definitely a powerful one. Concealer, invisible pores, improve skin tone, take away makeup. The makeup will not and will not be very heavy, just be sure to choose the right color number. (Babies who feel powdery and thick makeup can try to apply makeup with a brush~) Japan Orbin Whitening and Rejuvenating Good Night Powder+ Japan CLUB Su Yan good night powder Albion Albion good night powder really has a maintenance effect! Although expensive. According to my personal experience, after doing skin care before going to bed, it is appropriate to cover a few more layers. At first I only covered one layer and then found no skin care benefits other than non-sticky skin. As a result, I tried to apply a few more layers, and found that the acne was significantly improved the next day, it became a lot lighter, and it shrunk directly. Remember not to cover too thick, so that the skin is not breathable, it may cause acne. The other one is the bath powder. Works great too! This one feels clearer in comparison. Also fragrant. After using it, the skin will not feel stuffy, but it will feel a little more comfortable~ Sometimes when I get stuffy, I will be more inclined to use this as a good night powder~ Korea Botanical Paradise Mineral Carbonated Water Cream This skin cream is really easy to use😭😭😭 Seriously, I have bought a lot of face creams, big brands, good reviews, and most of them are only used a few times after opening. As a combination skin, the T-zone is oily, and the face and chin are bursting. Really desperate. Where can I find a dual-use face cream? Strongly recommend this cream, the most satisfying I have ever bought! Super moisturizing and not greasy at all! I am especially afraid of the kind of very thick cream, which is easy to get oil and airtight. This is that you can apply a very thick layer (really thick, for moisturizing), and it will never become a big oil field! After a long time, you will find that the skin condition has improved, the T-zone is not easy to get oily, the cheeks are not dry, and the skin is still tender 🤣 Korea MIORIO Brown Sugar Mask+ Korea PAPA RECIPE Spring Rain Mask Push lightly and push hard for sensitive skin! I really can't use any Japanese and Korean facial masks that have rave reviews 😭 It started to tingle within a few seconds of putting it on the face, and then it turned red after a while. It's really scary. It can be said that it is a pure natural pollution-free conscience product 😂😂 The most important effect is very good, very moisturizing and fragrant. In fact, I think that for sensitive skin, there is no need for whitening and acne treatment. As long as the moisturizing work is done enough, the problem of oil production will be solved. The above made me fall in love with making face masks 🙂✌️ Japan HABA Squalene Essence Lip Balm+ Sulwhasoo Soft Lip Balm #2 Cherry Blossom Powder 🌸 In fact, I want to say that this is the part I want to talk about most of writing this article! Haba's lipstick is really good 😭 Absolute conscience product 🙋🏻🙋🏻 I even wrote a long review for this lipstick. I am the type of person who loves to buy lipstick but is too lazy to apply it🤦🏻‍♀️ But this lipstick will really make you fall in love with it. Describe it in one sentence: colorless and odorless♥️ Moisturizing and not greasy. Apply a thick layer, dry and peel away from me. You will never be embarrassed about which lipstick you want to wear. Really my favorite product 💃🏻hoohoo~ Sulwhasoo's lipstick is also amazing. Of course, compared to the effect of the Haba, it is still a bit worse. I bought it mainly for the packaging and color haha~ The lipstick body is the color of cherry blossoms 🌸 It is also pink and tender and beautiful when applied. The packaging also looks great and great~ It is suitable for daily use when going out 🙈 I have been wanting to write a review for a long time, recommending some products that I have bought and used for everyone. This time, I finally conquered laziness under the temptation of 11 discount! It took a few hours to write this review😂😂 I hope it can help some girls who are still looking for it ♥️(Ouch) ——From a handicapped party with sensitive skin and oily skin🐒
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yami_featured_image 自 2017/02/17 被同学安利亚米之后,便一发不可收拾,从此告别了丝芙兰😂……成为亚米的铁杆儿粉丝,开启了新一阶段的剁手生活🐒本人是爱美的小吃货一枚🌞在这里就给大家推荐一些良心美妆及护肤产品。(本人属敏感混油性肤质 推荐产品不一定适用于所有人 请宝宝们注意哦♥️) 日本SANA 眉采飞扬眉笔 这个眉笔是真心的好用啊💃🏻 本人就是所谓人见人抱团 一抓一大把的手残党😭😭 这个眉笔的鼻头圆圆的 非常细 还很顺滑,而且好上色 颜色还不会太重,所以即使手再残 也可以很好的把握出轻重、勾勒出一个足够理想的眉形。不会画眉形的姑娘,可以选择像美容院先修一个适合自己的眉形,之后就根据眉形填充即可,注意画眉时头轻尾重。 日本Leanani 极细防水速干眼线液 很多人介绍初学者选择眼线的顺序和我自己总结的正好相反。我认为作为一个新手,或者手残党,问题是不能在紧贴睫毛根部的地方平稳地划出一条线。所以简易顺序应该是:眼线液>眼线笔>眼线膏。眼线液的笔尖很细,可以很容易贴近睫毛根部,再加上是液体,很好上色,所以画起来更简易。推荐Leanani 这个眼线液,持妆好卸,笔尖软且笔身硬,所以很好操控,适合新手及手残党。 日本IPSA纯美无瑕三色遮瑕膏 本人属于熬夜久了吃辣多了以后就会爆痘的那种菇凉🌝这一颗那一颗,有的有白色的脓点点 有的是那种很大很红的闭口,尤其有时候长在鼻头正中间 一两个月下不去… 真的很尴尬。这个遮瑕在某种程度上解救了我。涂上以后超薄一层但是可以很好的覆盖住整个痘痘的颜色,而且不会有额外的突起感。(所以我预估该黑眼圈的效果应该也是不错的。)最重要的,盖痘痘最怕的就是一上定妆粉 刚盖好的一层遮瑕就被破坏了,这款遮瑕就不会出现这种问题。但是需要的注意的是,遮痘痘时最好选用深一点的颜色,不然会使突起的痘痘在灯光下更明显(像打了高光)。 日本 棉花糖控油蜜粉饼 我真的是买了很多蜜粉啊,因为是混油皮,所以只要是好评如潮的基本都试过。Canmake这个也许不是最好的,但绝对算得上是综合实力很强的一款。遮瑕,隐形毛孔,改善肤色,外带定妆。妆感不会也不会很厚重,就是一定要选对色号。(感觉 蜜粉 妆感厚的宝宝可以试试用刷子上妆哦~) 日本奥尔滨 美白嫩肤晚安粉+ 日本CLUB 素颜晚安粉 Albion奥尔滨晚安粉真的有保养效果!虽然贵。根据我个人经验,睡前做完护肤后,适当多盖几层。刚开始我只盖一层,然后发现除了皮肤不粘腻以外,没有任何护肤效果。结果试着多涂了几层,发现痘痘第二天有明显改善,变淡了很多,直接瘪了下去。切记不要盖太厚,这样皮肤不透气,可能反而会闷痘的哦~ 另外一个就是洗澡粉。也很好用!这个相比之下感觉更清透。还香香的。用完了皮肤不会觉得闷 反而有一点舒服~ 有时候闷痘了 我会更倾向于用这款作晚安粉~ 韩国植物乐园 矿物碳酸水面霜 这个护肤霜真心的好用啊😭😭😭 说真的,我买过很多很多面霜,大牌的,好评的,很大一部分都是打开后只用了几次。作为一个混油皮,T字区出油,脸部及下巴又爆皮。真的很绝望。请问哪里有两用的面霜啊!强推这个面霜 目前买过最满意的!超级保湿 还一点都不油腻!我特别害怕那种很厚重的cream,既容易出油,又不透气。这个就是可以涂很厚一层(真的很厚,为了保湿),也绝对不会变大油田!时间久了就会发现皮肤状况有所改善,T字区不容易出油了,脸颊也不干了,皮肤还嫩嫩的🤣 韩国MIORIO 黄糖面膜+ 韩国PAPA RECIPE 春雨面膜 轻推强推强推给敏感肌!我真的是什么日本韩国好评如潮的面膜都不能用啊😭 放在脸上没出几秒就开始刺痛 再搁一会儿就满脸红点点 真的可怕 经过本人亲测发现 这几款真的可以说是纯天然无公害的良心产品😂😂 最重要效果还特别好 很保湿 还香香的。其实我觉得对于敏感肌来说,就不要什么美白祛痘了,只要保湿工作做足了,什么出油这那的问题都会迎刃而解。以上让我爱上做面膜🙂✌️ 日本HABA 鲨烯精华润唇膏+ 韩国雪花秀 柔润护唇膏 #2樱花粉🌸 其实我想说这是我写这篇文章最想讲的一个部分!Haba这个唇膏真的是太好用啦😭绝对的良心产品啊🙋🏻🙋🏻 我还专门为了这个唇膏跑去写了一长条评论。我这个人属于那种 特别爱买唇膏但是总懒得涂 的类型🤦🏻‍♀️但这个唇膏真的会让你爱上它。用一句话来形容它:无色无味♥️滋润不油腻。厚厚的涂一层,干燥起皮离我远去。口红想涂哪种涂哪种,再也不会尴尬了。真的是我大爱的产品💃🏻呼呼~ 雪花秀这款唇膏也很赞。当然比起Haba那一支的效果,还是差了一些的。主要是为了包装和颜色买的 哈哈~ 唇膏本体是樱花的颜色🌸涂上去也粉粉嫩嫩的、很好看。包装看上去也很高大上 棒棒哒~ 适合日常出门外带使用🙈 很久以前就一直想要写篇测评,推荐一些买过好用的产品给大家。这一次终于在十一打折的诱惑下 战胜了懒惰!花了几小时写完了这篇测评😂😂 希望可以给一些依旧在寻找的姑娘一点点帮助哦♥️(哎呦) ——来自一个敏感肌混油皮的手残党🐒