Yami's must-have snacks, three of my favorites: tumbler seafood fried noodles, who knows a very delicious noodle, without the oily taste of ordinary instant noodles, Luoshi noodles, too hot to talk about, Yumei Adding some vegetables and meat to Maocai is absolutely amazing.
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Yami必备零食,最爱的三个:不倒翁海鲜炒码面 谁吃谁知道 非常好吃的一款面了 没有一般速食方便面的油味、螺狮粉 不多说了太火了、与美冒菜 加点蔬菜和肉简直绝了 成都妹儿就靠与美活了 每次一口气6盒的买。