# 亚米提灯赏月 # Although the types of mooncakes are more abundant this year, Yami still has the Daoxiangcun Soviet-style mooncake series as always. It is still very complete and has various flavors. I eat this series almost every year, mainly because it is so affordable. The box of 5 mooncakes are individually packaged, and each box only costs 4 US dollars🔪. On average, a moon cake is less than 1 US dollar. The key is that it is from Daoxiangcun. Although the Soviet-style pastry is a bit crumbly, just use a plate to continue it and it will be fine. easy. Although the taste is not as soft as Cantonese-style mooncakes, Su-style mooncakes also have the dry aroma of Su-style mooncakes, and the more you chew, the more delicious they become. The taste of black sesame seeds is somewhat similar to that of five nuts.
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# 亚米提灯赏月 # 今年月饼种类虽然更丰富了,但是亚米还是一如既往的上了稻香村苏式月饼系列,现在还很全,各种口味都有,我几乎每年都要吃这个系列,主要是因为太实惠了,一盒5个月饼分别有独立包装,一盒才4美刀🔪多一点,平均下来一个月饼不到1刀,关键是稻香村的,虽然是苏式酥皮有点掉渣,用盘子接着就好啦很容易。口感来说虽然不像广式月饼那么软绵,但苏式月饼也有苏式月饼的干香,越嚼越香的那种。黑麻果仁味道和五仁的味道有点类似。