# 全球购 # Korean WANG Barley Rice 3lbs I wasn’t really good at eating this barley rice at first, so I kept it for a long time until I recently bought Fuguihua rice. I found that the rice of Fuguihua is a bit soft to eat. Even if less water is added, the texture is not very good, but the grains are distinct. Then I remembered to mix it with barley and rice. It's about two and a half cups of regular rice plus half a cup of barley rice. In the same amount of time, add less water to cook it and the rice is just right. The barley rice itself has the texture of some coarse grains, and when mixed with the ordinary softer rice, it completely saves the rice. And the cooking time doesn’t need to be long, it’s just like normal rice, which is good. Guoquan Shihui Clear Water Lotus Root Slices Fresh Sliced ​​Lotus Root Malatang Hot Pot Ingredients 330g There’s nothing wrong with it, you can buy it anytime and make spicy hotpot! 【11】
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# 全球购 # 韩国WANG 大麦米 3lbs 这个大麦米我刚开始其实不太会吃,所以就放了挺久的,直到我最近新买了富贵花的大米。发现富贵花的米吃的有点软,哪怕少加水,做出来的那个口感也不是非常的就是粒粒分明。我这才就、想起来拿这个大麦米混着做。大概是两杯半的普通大米加上半杯的大麦米,同样的时间,少加水煮它的那个饭就刚刚好。大麦米本身就会有一些粗粮的口感,跟普通的那个偏软的米混在一起,完全拯救大米饭。而且煮的时间也不需要很长,就跟正常的米是一样的,不错。 锅圈食汇 清水藕片 新鲜切片莲藕麻辣烫火锅食材 330g 没什么毛病,随时买来都可以做麻辣拌涮火锅的东西!【11】