# 全球购 # Japanese SVELTy burns abdominal, visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, black ginger weight loss and slimming enzyme yeast! I’ll buy it and try it out🥹I really need it as I don’t like to exercise and seldom exercise! One pack is a 14-day supply, with a total of 70 capsules. Take 5 capsules at a time! The particles are not big so they are easier to swallow! The nemesis of abdominal fat accumulation, especially Thai black ginger, can accelerate fat decomposition, accelerate blood circulation, improve metabolism, and help fat burning! Suitable for people like me who don’t like exercise but love to eat😬😬 Hee hee~ I hope I can get great results if I keep taking it👍
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# 全球购 # 日本SVELTy丝蓓缇燃烧腹部,内脏脂肪皮下脂肪黑姜减肥瘦身酵素酵母 !买来吃看看🥹对于平时不爱运动又很少运动的我就是很需要! 一包是14天的份量,共70粒,一次吃5粒!颗粒不大所以也比较好吞咽! 腹部脂肪堆积的克星,特别添加泰国黑生姜,能加速脂肪分解,加速血液循环,提升代谢,助力脂肪燃烧! 适合我这种不爱运动又爱吃的人😬😬 嘻嘻~持续吃希望能有大效果👍