# 全球购 # Recently, I eat more tomato-flavored snail noodles, but I don’t mind the smell of snail noodles. The tomato-flavored soup is not so heavy, and it doesn’t taste so unhealthy. Although everything you eat nowadays cannot avoid technology. And live hard, but try your best. And the amount is not particularly large, just add some vegetables and eggs yourself and it will be just right.
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# 全球购 #最近吃螺蛳粉吃蕃茄味比较多,倒也不是介意螺蛳粉的臭味,蕃茄味的汤汁没那么重,吃起来不会有那么不健康的感觉,虽然现在吃什么都躲避不了科技与狠活,但还是尽量吧。而且它的量不会特别多,自己再加点蔬菜鸡蛋就刚刚好了。