# 全球购 # The two unboxing orders on Double Eleven are mainly the one I bought. Another box of taro-related snacks is for sharing snacks with friends. The Cheetos and Langweixian have basically been eaten. I haven’t tried the Tremella fungus and soups, but I have also eaten the taro crisps. I have also posted them for sale. I will share the others after eating them. (60)
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# 全球购 # 双十一的两单开箱一箱里面主要是买的那个。芋头相关的点心,另外一箱是为了跟小伙伴一起分享零食。奇多和浪味仙基本上都已经吃光了,银耳和汤类还没有碰过芋头酥也都吃过了,也都发了晒货,其他的以后吃了之后再来分享。(60)