# 全球购 # BaGou Fresh Food ➡️Private Beef Noodles instant noodles come in cups to satiate your cravings. It’s a small portion so you don’t have to worry about eating too much. Brew it for a few minutes. The beef flavor is fragrant and there are a lot of vegetables. I like it! The meat in the soup is rich in flavor and the white noodles are soft and smooth! It’s great as a late night snack!
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# 全球购 # 巴狗鲜食➡️私房牛肉面方便面解馋杯装,小份量也不怕吃太多😂冲泡几分钟,牛肉味香气扑鼻,蔬菜包量很多我喜欢!汤头肉香味浓郁,白色面条柔软爽滑!作为夜宵吃点很不错呢!