# 全球购 # This is a hit for a reason! ! I have been paying attention to this toast for a long time, but when I saw it was watermelon flavored, I felt weird and wondered how it could be delicious. Now I am slapped in the face🫣 Bought it at a discount of $7.5, the price is so delicious! There are 10 pieces in total, all individually packaged, so convenient, you can take a few with you to work or school. It was said to be watermelon flavored toast, but I didn't expect it to look like watermelon cut into slices. It does taste a bit like watermelon. The "watermelon flesh" is soft and the "watermelon rind" is edible🤣There is jam sandwiched in the middle, which is sweet.
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# 全球购 # 这款爆款是有原因的!! 留意了这款吐司很久了,但看到是西瓜味的就会觉得奇奇怪怪,想这怎么可能好吃,现在是啪啪啪打脸了🫣 打折$7.5买的,这价格真香呀!一共有10个,都是单独包装,好方便,可以带几个去上班或上学。说是西瓜味吐司,没想到长得也好像切成一片片的西瓜。吃起来确实有点西瓜的味道,“西瓜肉”是松软的,这个“西瓜皮”是可以吃的哦🤣中间有夹陷果酱,甜甜的。