# 冬日养生 # I often catch colds and coughs in the cold winter, so I prepared a small bowl of Liangshi’s original pear extract (loquat pear paste) at home. The only ingredients are fresh pears + loquat + loquat leaves + monk fruit! The packaging design of this spoon 🥄 is very convenient and novel! When brewing, you only need to tear open the package, put it in a cup, add warm water, stir it and drink it. After drinking, you can just throw away the spoon without washing it. It is really fast and convenient! Very good for clearing throat and moisturizing lungs👍
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# 冬日养生 # 冬季寒冷时常感冒咳嗽,家里备了点小碗良食的原榨酥梨萃(枇杷梨膏)配料只有鲜梨+枇杷+枇杷叶+罗汉果!这种勺子🥄的包装设计很方便也很新颖!冲泡时只需撕开包装放入杯中加入温水直接搅拌开来就能喝了,喝完就直接扔掉勺子也不用清洗可真是快捷方便!很清喉润肺的特别不错👍