# 冬日养生 # In the cold winter, Taiwan’s Little Mill Nourishing and Siwu Decoction is a medicated meal to replenish your body and condition! Food supplements, facial moisturizing soups, especially when nourishing your own body, it is very useful to nourish blood and regulate menstruation😆 I like the medicated food, which has a rich flavor and a darker color. The old hen soup that has been simmered for an hour or two is nutritious and makes you look good!
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# 冬日养生 # 天寒地冻的冬季炖点台湾小磨坊养颜四物汤药膳补补身调理! 食补、红颜滋润煲汤料,特别是给自己补身体的时候很有用补血调经😆 是我喜欢的药膳味很浓郁颜色也比较黑。 炖了一两个小时的老母鸡汤营养滋补,吃出好气色!