# 冬日养生 # It’s a cold morning and I’m too lazy to cook breakfast, so I brew a cup of Haifusheng’s taro and vegetable porridge in hot water. It uses freeze-drying technology to keep the food fresh. There are quite a lot of dried vegetables when soaked. The taro particles are relatively small and not much, but the porridge adds a lot of flavor. It tastes even better with the aroma of taro 😋My whole body feels warm after eating it!
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# 冬日养生 # 寒冷的早晨懒得煮早餐,热水泡杯海福盛的香芋蔬菜粥,采用冻干技术保持了食物的新鲜感干蔬菜泡起来挺多的,芋头颗粒比较小量也不多,但粥里增添了芋头的香气吃起来更好吃了😋吃完全身都温暖了起来!