# 冬日养生 # I have bought Yiling dried longans before and loved them. This made me start buying Yiling’s various dried longans. Their dried longans are the best among all the dried longans I have tried in Yami. Their quality is excellent. very good. This Yiling is the same brand as Yiling Lianhua Qingwen Capsules, so they both belong to the health care category. This time, in addition to Yiling dried longans, I also tried Yiling roses and dried lemons. 💛️Dried longan is also called longan meat The dried longans I bought before were mainly used to make eight-treasure porridge. It wasn’t until I discovered Yiling dried longans that I started eating them directly as snacks because the quality was so good. The moment I tore off the fresh-keeping sealing film of Yiling bottles, the rich aroma of longan hit my face. I knew I had bought the right one. I couldn't help but taste one. It was of high quality, dry and chewy, so it became I want to eat a few snacks every day, and they are nutritious and healthy snacks. In fact, dried longan can be used in many ways, such as making white fungus soup, cooking porridge, making desserts, making health tea, etc. Dried longan is very suitable to be eaten in autumn and winter. It is a fruit with strong heat properties. It has a nourishing effect and can relieve weakness and coldness. It is also helpful in treating insomnia. However, it is not easy to overeat, otherwise it will cause internal heat and people with high blood sugar. Don’t overeat. I think 3 or 4 pills a day is enough. This bottle can last for a long time and has a shelf life of two years. 🌹Yiling roses, In my memory, the first time I tasted rose tea was when I was traveling in Dujiangyan, Sichuan many years ago. The local specialty rose tea was about the same size as the box of roses in Yiling. At that time, the tour guide in Dujiangyan gave us each a small cup of fresh rose tea. I was particularly impressed by the rose tea that I made. The rose water actually had a sweet and fragrant taste, and it was also very rich. There was no sugar at all, but it was actually sweet. I had never drunk anything so fragrant and sweet before. Flower tea, I was moved by it and left a deep impression in my memory. Now that I discovered that Yami's Yiling has this same type of rose, I really want to try it to see if it can bring back wonderful memories for me. The origin of roses in Yiling is Shandong. I think the quality is also very good. I used 6 small roses to make a cup of flower tea. The taste is relatively fragrant and elegant and not sweet. I smell the aroma of rose flower cakes. I used to buy it in Yami has bought a lot of rose flower cakes, which smell the same as this rose tea, and it reminds me of eating flower cakes. This bottle of roses has a shelf life of up to 3 years and is very fresh. I noticed that the description on the bottle states that roses have the functions of promoting qi and relieving depression, harmonizing blood, relieving pain, etc. They can even treat irregular menstruation and bruises and injuries. With so many effects, long-term consumption can help regulate health. 🍋️Yiling lemon slices You can make lemon honey tea, or you can directly brew a slice of lemon, which is simple, delicious and nutritious. Take a slice of lemon, pour it into a cup of boiling water and brew until the water temperature drops to about 50 degrees Celsius. Then add an appropriate amount of honey according to taste (because honey will lose nutritional value when exposed to high temperatures). It is recommended that only one slice of lemon tastes enough, because lemons with peel are slightly Some of the astringency of the skin is enough to make a cup of tea fragrant if only one piece is brewed. This bitter taste from lemon peel is actually a very nutritious substance. My mother used to teach me to cut off the peel of fresh lemons and don’t throw them away. Cut them into small strips with a knife and preserve them. She would soak them in water to drink. She said lemon peel has even more nutritional value than lemon pulp. I used to cut the peels of several lemons into small strips with a knife and freeze them for storage, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive. Now I have this bottle of ready-made dried lemons with peels, which is very convenient to soak in water and drink. Drink various scented teas or fruit teas in winter to start the health-preserving mode.
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yami_featured_image # 冬日养生 # 以前就买过并大爱以岭桂圆干,这让我种草了以岭的各种养生食材干货,它的桂圆干是我在亚米尝过的各种桂圆干里的佼佼者,质量成色非常好。这个以岭就是和以岭连花青温胶囊同品牌,所以都属于健康保健类。这次除了以岭桂圆干,还同时入了以岭的玫瑰花和柠檬干试试。 💛️桂圆干也叫做龙眼肉 之前买的桂圆干主要用来煲八宝粥,直到发现以岭桂圆干,我才开始把桂圆干当做零食直接食用,因为质量太好了。撕开以岭瓶装保鲜封膜的一瞬间,浓郁的桂圆香气扑面而来,我就知道买对了,忍不住直接尝了一颗,质量上乘,干香且有嚼劲,所以它变成了我每天想要空口吃几颗的零食,而且是营养健康的零食。 其实桂圆干用法很多,比如做银耳汤,煮粥,做甜品,泡养生茶等。桂圆干很适合在秋冬季吃,是一种热性较重的水果,具有滋补功效能缓解体弱虚寒,对治疗失眠也有一些帮助,但是不易过量食用,否则会上火,血糖高的人群也不能过量食用,一天吃3颗4颗我觉得差不多了,这一瓶可以吃挺长时间,保质期有两年。 🌹以岭玫瑰花, 在我的回忆里,第一次品尝玫瑰花茶是很多年前在四川都江堰旅游,当地特产的玫瑰花茶和以岭这盒玫瑰花朵大小差不多,当时在都江堰导游给我们每人喝了一小杯现冲的玫瑰花茶,我印象特别深刻,那玫瑰花水竟然自带鲜甜清香的味道,而且还很浓郁,一点糖都没放,居然有清甜,我之前从没喝过那么清香又甜润的花清茶,为之动容,在我记忆里留下了深刻的印象。如今发现亚米的以岭有这种同款玫瑰花,就很想试一试,看能不能唤起我美好的回忆。以岭的玫瑰花产地写的是山东,我觉得质量也很好,我用了6朵小玫瑰泡一杯花清茶,味道比较清香淡雅且不甜,闻着有一阵玫瑰鲜花饼的香气,以前在亚米买过很多玫瑰鲜花饼,就是和这个玫瑰花茶闻起来一样的味道,又勾起了我吃鲜花饼的回忆。 这瓶玫瑰花保质期长达3年,很新鲜。我注意到瓶身说明写着玫瑰花功能有行气解郁,和血,止痛等,甚至还有治疗月经不调,跌打伤痛,这么多功效,长期喝有调理养生的作用。 🍋️以岭柠檬片 可以做柠檬蜂蜜茶,也可直接泡一片柠檬,简单好喝又营养。取一片柠檬,倒入水杯开水冲调泡至水温降到50摄氏度左右,再根据口味加入适量蜂蜜(因为蜂蜜遇高温会损失营养价值),建议只用一片柠檬味道足够了,因为带皮柠檬稍微有些皮的涩味,仅泡一片,一杯茶已足够清香。这种来自柠檬皮的苦涩味其实是一种很有营养的物质,我妈以前还专门教我把新鲜柠檬的皮切下来别扔掉,用刀切成小条保存起来她要泡水喝,她说柠檬皮的营养价值甚至比柠檬果肉更高。我曾经用刀把几颗柠檬的皮切成小细条后冷冻保存,费时又费力,现在有了这瓶现成的带皮柠檬干,泡水喝真是太方便了。 冬天喝各种花茶或水果茶,开启养生模式。