I don't know since when, the words instant noodles and healing are frequently combined. Every time a person is too tired to move, or feels very depressed, he will want to soak a bowl of noodles to eat. It's easy to make and tastes consistent! Always hot and never lacking in new tricks. In the days when I was working hard alone, I don’t know how many pages of obscure paper I’ve read with you, how many times I’ve seen bugs that I can’t escape, how many times I’ve dropped the mouse... Drink warm soup, sincerely say thank you. It seems that instant noodles are the proof that I still have confidence in life.
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不知道从什么时候开始,泡面和治愈这个词频繁地组合在一起。每次一个人累到不想动,或者觉得很沮丧时,就会想泡一碗面来吃。 它易于制作,口感稳定!永远是热的,又永远不缺新花样。在一个人闷头苦干的日子里,不知道和你一起看过多少页晦涩的paper,反复过多少次跑不出的bug,摔过多少次鼠标…… 喝着暖暖的汤,由衷地说一句谢谢。仿佛泡面才是自己还有生活信心的证明。