# 我的囤货清单 # # 年货好物种草指南 # Today I would like to introduce you to yuba. Yuba is a traditional food that Chinese people love very much. It has a rich bean flavor and a unique taste that other soy products do not have. Yuba is yellow-white in color, translucent and rich in protein and various nutrients. It can be developed after soaking in clean water (cool in summer and warm in winter) for 3 to 5 hours. It can be eaten as meat or vegetable, roasted, stir-fried, cold, soup, etc. The food is fragrant and refreshing, and the meat and vegetarian dishes have unique flavors. It is rich in nutrients. 1. Bean curd is rich in protein and has high nutritional value; 2. The lecithin it contains can remove cholesterol attached to the blood vessel wall, prevent hardening of blood vessels, prevent cardiovascular disease, and protect the heart; 3. Contains A variety of minerals, supplement calcium, prevent osteoporosis caused by calcium deficiency, promote bone development, and are extremely beneficial to the bone growth of children and the elderly; 4. It is also rich in iron and is easily absorbed by the body, which is good for iron deficiency. Sexual anemia has certain effects.
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# 我的囤货清单 # # 年货好物种草指南 # 今天向大家介绍腐竹,腐竹是中国人很喜爱的一种传统食品,具有浓郁的豆香味,同时还有着其他豆制品所不具备的独特口感。腐竹色泽黄白,油光透亮,含有丰富的蛋白质及多种营养成分,用清水浸泡(夏凉冬温)3~5小时即可发开。可荤、素、烧、炒、凉拌、汤食等,食之清香爽口,荤、素食别有风味。 其营养丰富,1、腐竹中含有丰富蛋白质,营养价值较高; 2、其含有的卵磷脂可除掉附在血管壁上的胆固醇,防止血管硬化,预防心血管疾病,保护心脏; 3、含有多种矿物质,补充钙质,防止因缺钙引起的骨质疏松,促进骨骼发育,对小儿、老人的骨骼生长极为有利; 4、还含有丰富的铁,而且易被人体吸收,对缺铁性贫血有一定疗效。