# 值得买的黑科技 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationab44b5f127454e39be9 1bb933bad7c3e # Hair is the flower that blooms from the kidneys. What is more terrible than getting fat is that you are bald. As autumn comes, the weather in the north is getting colder and colder. Many people have cold hands and feet, sallow complexions, and lack of energy. The proverb "hair falls like fallen leaves, sesame flowers bloom more and more" is familiar to all of us. If you ask why you eat black sesame seeds in winter, not everyone may know it. Black sesame seeds are the best among black foods and are known as "the crown of eight grains". It is rich in protein, vitamin E, lecithin, iron and other minerals. Black sesame contains nearly 800 mg of calcium per 100 grams, while milk of the same weight only contains 104 mg of calcium! It turns out that black sesame is so powerful, so it’s okay to eat some Black sesame helps women and children have good hair and are not afraid of cold.
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# 值得买的黑科技 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 晒出你的美丽心机 #头发是肾开出来的花朵,比发胖更可怕的是你秃,一入秋,北方的天气越来越冷,很多人手脚冰凉、脸色蜡黄、没精气神、头发像落叶一样掉落,芝麻开花节节高”的谚语耳熟能详,要是问起冬天为什么要吃黑芝麻,未必尽人皆知。黑芝麻是黑色食物中的佼佼者,有“八谷之冠”的美誉,它富含蛋白质、维生素E、卵磷脂、铁等矿物质,每百克黑芝麻中含钙量接近800毫克,而等重的牛奶中只有104毫克的钙!原来黑芝麻这么厉害,没事吃点黑芝麻,女人和孩子头发好、不怕冷。