# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation1fc06425e89747a1892 894ca583d196f # 👩A woman with a weak spleen and stomach will have a bad complexion, her skin will become dull, with spots, and her skin will become loose. 🎓Dr. Luo said in the case of famous doctor Zhang Xichun that yam nourishes the spleen and stomach. Authentic ingredients. 🙏As long as the spleen and stomach are replenished and maintained well, it is more effective than applying 💯a facial mask. It must be replenished step by step from the foundation. Spleen deficiency can be improved very well, the skin will become white and rosy, and the spleen and stomach will be healed. The food you eat will be digested and absorbed quickly, the burden of gastrointestinal motility will be reduced, and large intestines can be excreted smoothly. 🫢In fact, problems such as sallow complexion, abdominal distension, constipation, lackluster complexion, and loose stools are actually common manifestations of spleen deficiency. 🌞The daily method of regulating the spleen and stomach is also very simple, just take 3-4 spoons of yam powder. First stir the powder into a paste with warm boiled water or cold boiled water, then add it and start brewing. Lightly sweet, natural fragrance, pure taste, milder, easy to digest and absorb. If you persist for a while, you will find that your complexion has improved, and your spleen and stomach have also improved! # 冬日养生 # # 方家铺子 #
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# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 值得买的黑科技 # 👩女人脾胃虚就会气色变差,肤色就变得暗沉,有斑,肌肤也会松弛, 🎓罗博士在名医张锡纯的案例中说,山药是养脾胃的道地食材。 🙏如只要把脾胃补好,养好,比敷 💯张面膜管用,要从根基循循渐进平补,脾虛能很好的得到改善,皮肤就会变的白里透红,脾胃好了,吃的食物很快就会被消化吸收,肠胃蠕动的负担就减轻了,大💩就能顺利排出了。 🫢其实肤色蜡黄多,腹胜,💩秘,脸色没有光泽,拉稀这些问题其实都是脾虛的常见表现。 🌞日常调理脾胃方法也很简单,就是取3-4勺方家铺子的山药粉。先用温开水或者凉白开把粉搅拌成糊糊状,在加入开始冲泡即可。淡淡的甜味,自然的清香,口感纯正,更温和,好消化吸收。坚持一段你会发现气色变好了,脾胃也好了!# 冬日养生 # # 方家铺子 #