# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # Su Shi, the great writer of the Song Dynasty, was relegated to Mizhou at the age of thirty-nine. He recovered from a serious illness and often drank yellow wine. Qi porridge is used to replenish the weak body after illness. He wrote the famous poem "Ode to Astragalus" through the ages: "The lonely lamp shines The shadowy day is long, and I can’t bear to look at the flowers. White hair is too shameful to knock on hairpins, and astragalus cooks porridge to recommend spring dishes." 👉 It can be said that "love is fragile and dreams are crazy, being a good person is better than reciting a good poem. A wisp of east wind raining in the apricot forest, Renxin drip is astragalus. Astragalus is sweet and warm in nature, and has the effect of replenishing healthy qi and strengthening the spleen and stomach. It is very effective in treating spontaneous sweating due to external deficiency, internal injury due to qi deficiency, listlessness, weakness of limbs, spleen deficiency and hyperhidrosis, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, etc. Astragalus combined with Atractylodes can replenish qi and spleen, diuretic and dehumidification, and can be used to improve spleen deficiency and water-damp swelling; Astragalus combined with licorice can replenish qi and strengthen the surface, strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, and can improve qi deficiency; together with Codonopsis pilosula, it can strengthen the spleen and benefit the body. Qi, used to improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach; together with yam, it can replenish qi and raise yang, and both qi and yin can be used to improve the deficiency of the spleen and lungs. holder_for_esaay_translatione7ee7d1522e148cd86f154bc1ed072d6 #
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# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 #宋代大文豪苏轼,三十九岁谪居密州,大病初愈,常喝黄芪粥,用来补养病后虚弱的身体,写下千古名篇《咏黄芪》:“孤灯照影日漫漫,拈得花枝不忍看。白发敲簪羞彩胜,黄芪煮粥荐春盘。” 👉正可谓“情何脆弱梦何痴,做好人胜吟好诗。一缕东风杏林雨,仁心点滴即黄芪。黄芪味甘性温,有补益正气、健脾胃的功效。对于治疗表虚自汗、气虚内伤、精神萎靡、四肢无力、脾虚多汗、脾虚泄泻等疾病都有很好的作用。黄芪配白术,益气健脾,利水除湿,用于改善脾气虚,水湿肿胀;黄芪配甘草,补气固表,健脾益气,可以改善气虚不足;和党参一起,可以健脾益气,用于改善脾胃虚弱;和山药一起,可以补气升阳,气阴双补,用于改善脾肺两虚# 冬日养生 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 美食种草 #