# 冬日养生 # Winter is here, and I always feel uncomfortable in my throat. A few days ago, my friend gave me a bottle of pure pear ointment, saying that it was very useful for coughing. Now her cough is completely gone. I drank it for a few days and the coughing was definitely decreasing. This pure pear The ingredients list of the cream is very clean, only fresh pears, nothing added agent! The paste is thick and translucent with pure color. You can scoop a spoonful of it and eat it directly. It is sweet and a little sour in the mouth, but not sour in your throat. throat. It can also be brewed with warm water, which is refreshing and comfortable to drink.
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# 冬日养生 # 冬天到了,我总是会喉咙不舒服,前几天朋友送了一瓶纯梨膏给我,说这个对咳嗽很有用,现在她咳嗽都已经好彻底了。 我喝了几天,咳嗽声确实在逐渐减少。这款纯梨 膏的配料表很干净,只有鲜梨,没有任何添加 剂!膏体粘稠透亮,颜色纯正。 可以直接舀一勺吃,入口清甜带点果酸,不齁喉 咙。也可以温水冲泡,清清爽爽,喝着很舒服