# 冬日养生 # My throat hurts and I feel uncomfortable! Take a spoonful of pure pear paste, refreshing and moisturizing Every time the seasons change from autumn to winter, my throat always feels a little uncomfortable. I don't want to say anything at all, and it turns into a "duck voice" at every turn... talk. In these days when autumn dryness invades, I recommend drinking more hot water than drinking more hot water. I recommend you a spoonful of pure pear paste. Fangjiapu's pure pear paste is made from fresh pears. 20 kilograms of fresh pears Only then can you boil about 1 jin of pure pear paste and melt the pear fragrance into the pear paste. Preserve the flavor of fresh pears. Pour a spoonful of pure pear paste into warm water Stir it for a while and you will get a strong pear aroma that is refreshing. Drink it in one gulp, Refreshing and not overly sweet, it is warm and moist from the throat to the stomach.
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# 冬日养生 # 嗓子难受不舒服!来一勺纯梨膏,清爽又滋润 每次在秋冬换季的时候,嗓子总会有些许的不舒 服,动不动就变成“公鸭嗓”……根本不想开口说 话。 在这秋燥入侵的日子里,比起多喝热水,我更推 荐你来一勺纯梨膏。 方家铺子的纯梨膏是用鲜梨熬制而成,20斤鲜梨 才能熬制约1斤纯正的梨膏,将梨香融于梨膏中, 保留鲜梨本身的风味。舀一勺纯梨膏放入温水中 搅拌一下,浓浓梨香,沁人心脾。一口喝下去, 爽口不甜腻,从喉咙到肠胃,温暖又水润。