# 冬日养生 # # 方家铺子 # Nanyang Xixia Shiitake Mushrooms: Shiitake mushrooms, a delicacy on people’s tables, are known as “mountain delicacies”. After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, they gradually came to be found in Commonly used in ordinary people’s homes, it has now become a daily delicacy on the dining table of ordinary families. Dishes are much loved. Whether it’s hot pot, soup, stir-fry, or bibimbap, as long as it’s With the addition of shiitake mushrooms, the flavor becomes much more fragrant. This mushroom is delicious, has a unique aroma and is highly nutritious value. According to the harvesting standards, after manual harvesting, the perfect appearance is screened. Put the healthy, plump and healthy shiitake mushrooms into the dryer to dry. The process of losing water will not damage the freshness of the mushrooms, but make them more internal. Astringent and mellow, it retains the original aroma of shiitake mushrooms. even old people Children can eat it safely. Each shiitake mushroom has a round body and a thick cap. Bursts while cooking Rich mushroom aroma, smooth and delicate taste, even the most picky taste buds Lei will also be impressed by it. Although it is just an inconspicuous mushroom, it is as wonderful as it is. The nutrients of nature are quietly transformed into forms suitable for human consumption. son. As soon as you enter the mouth, you will feel the soft and chewy texture, which is evocative. Infinity seems to take us back to the primitive world from the bustling city of silent forest. Why not take advantage of today and cook a steaming bowl of mushroom steak for your family? Bone broth, it’s sweet and heart-warming!
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# 冬日养生 # # 方家铺子 # 南阳西峡香菇:百姓餐桌上的美味佳肴香菇素有“山珍”之美称,明清以后,逐渐来到寻 常百姓家,如今成为普通家庭餐桌上的日常佳 肴,备受喜爱。 不管是吃火锅、炖汤,还是炒菜、拌饭,只要是 加了香菇,那味道浓香了很多。 这款香菇味道鲜美,香气独特,具有很高的营养 价值。根据采收标准,人工采收后,筛选外形完 整无伤、肥美健壮的香菇,放到烘干机中烘干, 失水的过程并不会使香菇鲜香受损,而是更加内 敛、醇厚,保留了香菇原始的香气。即使是老人 小孩,都可以安心食用。 每一朵香菇都体圆齐正,菌伞肥厚。烹饪时阵阵 浓郁菇香,吃起来爽滑细腻,即使再挑剔的味 蕾,也会为之折服。 别看它只是一颗不起眼的香菇,奇妙如它,它把 大自然的养分,悄悄转化成了适宜人类食用的样 子。一入口,就是那柔软筋道的口感,令人回味 无穷,仿佛把我们从车水马龙的城市带回了原始 的寂静森林。 不如就趁今天,给家人煲一碗热气腾腾的香菇排 骨汤吧,清甜也暖心!