# 摸着良心来种草啦 # One cup of longan, red dates and wolfberry tea every day will nourish your health. It’s hot in autumn and everyone needs to drink a lot of drinks to nourish themselves. "Cool down". This tea has a refreshing and slightly sweet flavor, made from wolfberry and red dates. The aroma is matched with the sweetness of longan, without adding a trace of rock sugar. After brewing Naturally sweet, drink the tea before eating the pulp. Brew a cup of longan every day Red date and wolfberry tea is fresh and refreshing, warm but not dry, and has just the right taste. Lock in the wonderful afternoon tea time.
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 桂圆红枣枸杞茶,每天一杯,滋润你的健康秋季燥热,大家都少不了摄入大量饮品来给自己 “降降温”。这款茶茶味清香微甜,枸杞和红枣的 香味搭配桂圆的清甜,不加一丝冰糖,冲泡之后 自然甜,喝完茶水再吃果肉。每天冲泡一杯桂圆 红枣枸杞茶,够鲜爽,温而不燥,滋味刚刚好, 锁住美好下午茶时光。