# 健康美食 # # 减肥吃什么 #I go home to lose weight at night, but I really want to eat carbohydrates but I dare not eat them. Who can understand that feeling? I like to eat noodles very much. I was recommended this buckwheat noodles. It is really delicious. Just pick it up and add some oil and vinegar sauce, or cook soup and put eggs 🥚, add some mushrooms and vegetables, etc., I really can't live without it. # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 我的囤货清单 #Cooking is very simple, # 懒人必备 #Noodles that can be cooked🍜No pressure🍐 Be good to yourself, and be kind to yourself when losing weight
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# 健康美食 # # 减肥吃什么 #晚上回去减肥,但是真的想吃碳水又不敢吃的那种感觉有谁能懂呀? 特别喜欢吃面食的我,被安利了这个荞麦挂面,真的😋好吃,随便捞起来加点油醋汁,或者煮汤卧个蛋🥚,来点香菇青菜什么的,真的离不开了。 # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 我的囤货清单 #煮的很简单,# 懒人必备 #都会煮的面🍜毫无压力🍐 对自己好一点,减肥也要善待自己