# 姨妈神器 # Every time I have my period, my stomach feels stuffy and uncomfortable😣 I used to buy brown sugar cubes, but I personally like this powder. It works. Sometimes I can't help but soak two strips. It relieves the discomfort caused by menstruation, and I can be energetic all day without curling up in bed. Good health # 健康养生 # # 无限回购 # # 美食分享 # Good things should be shared
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# 姨妈神器 # 每次来大姨妈都是肚子闷闷的特别难受😣 以前还买了红糖块,但是我个人还挺喜欢这个粉的,亲测有效。有时候会忍不住泡两条。缓解姨妈带来的不适,一整天又可以有精神了,不用窝在床上蜷缩着。 身体健康# 健康养生 # # 无限回购 # # 美食分享 # 好东西要一起分享