If you ask where your hands are going, everyone knows Double Eleven! Double Eleven, also known as the Hand-picking Festival, has important and far-reaching significance for the general public, especially women. (Because girls are most prone to impulse shopping 🌚) Silently posting an order, I don’t know if the CEO can see me😂, but don’t be seen by my sister, and don’t tell her, if she sees me placing so many orders this month, I’m afraid there will be a deep-rooted relationship between us” chat". Calling for Yami~ You guys are working hard, come on (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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借问双手何处去,众人皆知双十一! 双十一又称剁手节,对于广大群众特别是女性有着重要以及深远的意义。(因为女生最容易冲动购物🌚) 默默晒个单不知道ceo能不能看见我😂,但是不要被我妹看见,也别告诉她,她要是看到我这个月下了这么多单,我们之间怕是要有一场深入人心的“交谈”。 为亚米打call~你们辛苦啦加油(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧