It's so difficult to unpack the package. It took a lot of effort to unpack it! After I bought Chunwei last time, I found that it is better than a brand I recommended to you before. The sweet duck gizzard is super delicious (it's not sweet, it's luwei, very fragrant, mainly because I don't like spicy food). Also a close-up of my favorite abalone! Hahaha
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拆包裹好难啊 费了九牛二虎之力才拆的! 我上次买了纯味以后 发现比我之前推荐给大家的一个牌子好吃,甜的鸭肫超好吃(不是甜的 是卤味的 很香 主要是我不爱吃辣)。 另外给我最爱的鲍鱼一个特写!哈哈哈