Cried. Don't pay attention to what I said when I didn't receive it before, "Nianci'an is not sugar, and it will taste a little crazy." The black plum tastes so good that I am not at all crazy about it spinning and exploding. Personally, I feel it is better than the original flavor and kumquat lemon. 10,000 times delicious. As soon as you enter it, there is a strong smell of black plum, with a bit of a characteristic astringency. If you have caught black plum in the drugstore, then you will know what I am talking about. I feel that the plum flavor of this candy is much stronger than the sour plum soup sold outside. Unlike the original flavor and kumquat lemon that left me with the impression, the ebony flavor is an overwhelming victory, without any "strange smell" of throat lozenges, and it even feels like it can replace the sour plum soup boiled with herbs such as ebony in the pharmacy at home. It's not very sweet or sour. It's very friendly to those who don't like sweet and want to eat sugar. It can be eaten directly as candy, and the plum flavor is stronger than that of plum candy. Perfect. Of course, my love for it may be influenced by my preference for umeboshi, but I also like kumquats and lemons, but I don't love kumquats and lemons so much. All in all it's perfect. Perfect.
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哭了。 别理我之前还没收到的时候瞎说的什么“念慈庵不是糖味道会有些迷”,乌梅味好吃到我旋转爆炸飞上天还一点都不迷,个人感觉比原味和金桔柠檬都要好吃一万倍。 一入口就是扑面而至的一股浓浓的乌梅味,带着点标志性的涩,如果在药店里抓过乌梅的话那么就知道我说的是什么了。感觉这个糖的梅子味比外面卖的酸梅汤味道要浓得多。不像原味和金桔柠檬给我留下的印象,乌梅味完全是压倒性胜利,没有任何润喉糖的“怪味”,甚至感觉可以代替家里用药店乌梅等药材熬的酸梅汤。不是很甜也不是很酸,对不喜欢甜又想吃糖的在下十分友好,完全可以直接当糖吃,梅子味也比话梅糖要浓。十分完美。 当然我如此热爱它可能是受我本人比较喜欢乌梅的影响,但是我也很喜欢金桔和柠檬却没有这么热爱金桔柠檬的念慈庵… 总之就是完美。十分完美。