I don't want to tell you how delicious this burning fairy grass is (๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘). I don't want to tell you that it has so many ingredients (๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘). I don't want to tell you how many QQ bombs there are (๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘). I don't want to tell you how hot it is to burn fairy grass with hot pot (๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘). I want to buy them all by myself, Quietly and Quietly, so I won't tell you~ Meow Meow Meow (๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘).
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我不要告訴你這個燒仙草有多好吃(๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘)。 我不要告訴你它的料有那麼多那麼多(๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘)。 我不要告訴你蒟蒻有多QQ彈彈(๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘)。 我不要告訴你燒仙草配火鍋有多下火(๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘)。 我要自己悄咪咪、悄咪咪全部買光,就不告訴你~ 喵喵喵(๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘)。