Wow, this peanut made me go to a Sichuan restaurant in a second 🥜🥜🥜 Eat the first peanut and you will be pleasantly surprised! The taste is really 川味! The 麻辣-flavored style was very, very fragrant and spicy at first, and after eating a few pieces, I felt a little numb, and then it became more and more intense, really exciting! ! ! It simply satisfies my longing for domestic Sichuan cuisine 🥜🥜🥜 The flavor intensity is just right! It's very tasty, but it's not too strong, you won't be thirsty after eating, and you won't feel full of flavors. 👍🏻 The peanuts are full of grains. Needless to say, there is no bad one in the whole package, just the big ones. Peanut rice full of peanut flavor. 🥜🥜🥜 I have a small bag in my hand. I can eat well when I'm thirsty, when I cook a drama, when I drink wine, and when I use stir-fry as an ingredient, I'm proud~~~~~~
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哇晒 这个花生让我一秒去到川菜馆 🥜🥜🥜 吃第一颗就惊喜了的花生米呀!味道真的很川味! 走的麻辣味的风格,一开始是非常非常香的香辣,再吃几颗才感觉到微微的麻,然后越来越强烈,真的特带劲!!!简直满足了我对国内川菜的想念 🥜🥜🥜 味道强度刚刚好!特别够味,可是也不会太浓,不会吃完口渴,更不会满口味精的感觉👍🏻花生米粒粒饱满不用说了,一整包没有一颗坏的,就是正儿八经的大粒满满花生味的花生米。 🥜🥜🥜 小小一包拿手里,嘴馋吃好,煲剧吃好,下酒吃好,炒菜当配料也好,骄傲了~~~~~~