It's still a summer vacation, and I forgot to post the pictures that I have saved for a long time. Donglaishun's 火锅底料 clear soup is really delicious. The soup is milky white and very rich. It is perfect for cooking beef and mutton slices. Korean abalone porridge is a little pricey, but it really has abalone in it, it's real abalone! ! ! There is also a small bag of sesame oil for seasoning ❤️❤️❤️ You can drink a bowl of fragrant abalone porridge by heating it in the microwave for two minutes. It is really convenient and delicious. 😘😘😘 The mustard greens are delicious, and they are perfect with Yangchun noodles. And sauerkraut fans ps: Mianyang rice noodles are really delicious. You must add canned ham yourself. You can eat three bowls of rice noodles with ham.
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还是暑假的刷单,存了好久的图忘记晒单。东来顺的火锅底料清汤真的很好吃,汤是奶白色的,特别浓郁,用来煮牛肉羊肉片再好不过了。 韩国的鲍鱼粥是让有点小贵,但是里面真的有鲍鱼,是真的鲍鱼!!!还有一小袋香油用来调味❤️❤️❤️用微波炉加热两分钟就可以喝到一碗香喷喷的鲍鱼粥了真的是方便又好喝。😘😘😘 榨菜很好吃哦,配阳春面是再好不过了。 还有就是酸菜粉丝 ps:绵阳米线真的很好吃,一定要自己加火腿罐头 感觉有火腿的米粉可以吃三大碗。