Try Mani Ye Peking Fried Sauce Noodles

I received Yami's package today, so I can't wait to try this "Jian Ye Beijing Fried Sauce Noodles". The noodles are thin, and it can be seen that the quality of the noodles is very good and very tough. The sauce is the sauce with fried noodles. It is very fragrant after mixing with noodles. It tastes salty and fragrant, as well as the aroma of tempeh. I highly recommend this noodle. It’s final now. It’s very cold outside at night and it gets dark early. Instead of going out to eat in the cold wind, it’s better to make a bowl of noodles at home, serve it with your favorite side dishes, and have a fragrant dinner. .

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试吃躁爷 北京炸酱面

今天收到亚米的包裹,就迫不及待的尝尝这个“躁爷 北京炸酱面”。 面是偏细的那种,可以看出面的质量很好,很有韧劲。酱料是配的炸酱面酱料,和面拌了后很香,味道咸香,还有豆豉的香味。很推荐这款面,现在也final了,晚上外面很冷天黑的也早,与其顶着寒风出门吃饭,倒不如在家里做一碗拌面,配上喜欢的配菜,香喷喷的吃晚饭。