yummy, yummy, yummy 😋 It's a bit spicy, but it goes well with rice🍚; lotus root, potatoes, fungus, fresh bamboo shoots, king oyster mushrooms, Daai vermicelli❤️, Daai tofu❤️, add some beef brisket (cooked beef brisket) 15 minutes, hot hot pot, fragrant rice, served on a cold winter night, OMG, I am in seventh heaven 😄 Reminder: 1. The rice must be operated according to the eating method on the back of the box lid; 2. For those who can’t eat spicy food, the base ingredients should be halved
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好吃,好吃,好吃 😋 有点辣,但是配米饭🍚正好;莲藕,土豆,木耳,鲜笋,杏鲍菇,大爱粉条❤️,大爱豆腐❤️,自己再加点牛腩(熟的牛腩) 15分钟,热乎乎的火锅,香喷喷的米饭,在寒冷的冬天晚上来上一份,OMG,I am in seventh heaven 😄 温馨提醒:1. 米饭一定要按照盒盖背面的食用方法进行操作哦;2. 不能吃辣的小伙伴底料要减半