The thief is delicious and repurchased for ten thousand years To tell you the truth, I can't tell the difference between Bansong Garden and the really old Youth League. If you force the difference, is it really a little sweeter? ? Although it is usually stored in the freezer, it thaws very quickly I often go to school too late, grab one from the freezer and put it in my pocket to go out You can probably eat it when you get to the bus stop. In fact, freezing will only make it a little harder, and will not freeze into a lump of ice Essential for raising blood sugar early in the morning 😎
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贼好吃 万年回购 讲真 半淞园和真真老老的青团我完全吃不出区别 强行说区别的话,真真老老的稍微甜一点点?? 虽然平时要冷冻保存,但解冻很快 我经常上学来不及了,从冷冻室抓一个揣兜里出门 跑到公交站大概就能吃了 其实冷冻只会让它变硬一点,并不会冻成一个冰坨 大清早提升血糖必备😎