For lazy people like me, sleeping masks are undoubtedly the most suitable~ Laneige's sleeping mask is used together with the same cherry-flavored lip mask, not only the face is tender and tender the next day, even the lips are tender one day without lip balm. If you feel that the sleeping mask sticks to the pillow, then apply some good night powder after applying it (although there is only one single dog, it will be useless if you want to use it) and you can go to sleep beautifully💤
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对我这种懒人来说,睡眠面膜无疑是最适合不过的啦~ 兰芝的睡眠面膜配合同款的樱桃味唇膜使用,第二天起来不止脸蛋嫩嫩的,连嘴唇也嫩的一天不用上润唇膏都可以啦 要是觉得撒睡眠面膜粘枕头的话就在涂上后拍些心机晚安粉(虽然单身狗一只,心机要来没用)就能美美哒去睡觉咯💤