Ordered a big one for Christmas! ! The sesame sauce flavored konjac cold skin is super delicious, the sesame sauce tastes super fragrant, and the addition of some coriander and dehydrated roasted bran is completely the standard of the restaurant. The feeling of fullness is strong, and it is not guilty to repurchase infinitely! ! Lulu, which I bought for a dime, remembers that when I drink it in winter, I remember to scald it in hot water. Girls try to drink less ice in winter (it has reached the point of health preservation for the elderly). Guole fruit-flavored sandwich biscuits are super fragrant. The taste of jam is very strong, not the special artificial pineapple flavor. I like it very much. I highly recommend pineapple 🍍! Haohuan snails were originally priced at 5 yuan a bag of snail powder, and now they are 3 yuan a bag, so what are you waiting for!
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圣诞节下了一单大的!! 麻酱味魔芋凉皮超级好吃,麻酱味道超级香,自己加点香菜还有脱水烤麸完全就是餐厅的水准。饱腹感强吃了还不罪恶无限回购!! 一毛钱买到的露露,童年回忆冬天的时候喝记得要放在热水里烫一下,女生冬天尽量少喝冰的(已经到了老年养生的地步了)。 果乐果香夹心饼干超级香,果酱的味道很浓,不是那种特别人造的菠萝味,很喜欢,强烈推荐菠萝🍍的! 好欢螺原价五块钱一袋的螺狮粉现在3块钱一包不囤几包还等什么!