
The Empty Bottle of Cakes for Post-90s Middle-aged Girls (1)

Hello everyone, this is what Bicake wrote for youthe 100< /span>articles!


As the first100 to post a list, of course, an empty bottle will be remembered. Gather, summarize 2017year's favorite items❤️ Here is the real love of pancakes, I highly recommend, I hope you like it😘

Not much to say,here we go p>

🎀🎀🎀 Albion Healthy Water

First look at this wave of empty bottles+stock up< span class="s5">.

AlbionI can recommend as many healthy waters as possible10< span class="s1">times,Oily acne-prone skinFavorites. In the autumn and winter, the skin is unstable and the unevenness is smallclosed, with healthy water3, 4 It will disappear in a day.. Want to know how to use cotton pads for maximum coverage The fairy with the face, please read the past sheets of Panzi by yourself( ´ ` )

🎀🎀🎀 Albion Miracle Cell Repair Serum

This essence is also a pancakeride or dieA must-have item /span>❤️

Successfully rescued bad skin from severe allergies and any lotion that stings and does not absorb. Use it all year round in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After steaming the face, press three pumps to apply the whole face, then Wet compress with healthy water to enhance absorption, and if you insist on it for a month, your face will really be super white and tender!

Watch me save empty bottles of different sizessize+Replace empty bottles to know how dependent I am❤️❤️ p>

🎀🎀🎀 Erno Laszlo Protein Water

If the essential maintenance toner at night is healthy water, then the best revitalizing skin in the morning must beprotein waterYes. This slightly sticky water is slippery on the face, After a few massages, it is absorbed by the skin. The bottle opening is relatively large, and I prefer to press it with a cotton pad. Shake the mouth of the bottle, let the water wet and then apply it to the face. Protein water is more moisturizing than healthy water, and it will dry until It is very suitable for the hot California winter, and it is not easy to peel off when applying makeup..

🎀🎀🎀 Dr. Shirono Pore Reducing Water

The water from Dr. Chengye's house is believed to be the love of many fairies, and the feeling of icy coldness on the face can last until the sunscreen is applied. The vial is already empty, please add a larger one to continue using. The effect of shrinking pores is not seen, but it is matched withYamanHRF - 1Can export a lot of dirty and yellow things. More suitable for use with beauty equipment than other lotions👍

🎀🎀🎀 IPSA Self-discipline cycle whitening moisturizing lotion I & III

Whitening and moisturizing I Milk 

1The milk is watery, watery. < /span>Suitable for oily skin in summer. It does not contain oil, but the moisturizing effect is not bad . The official recommendation is to use three pumps, and the pancakes are very reasonable for water-based emulsions.

Whitening and moisturizing III Lotion

On the right3The milk is a traditional lotion, suitable for mixing Oily skin use. If you have severe allergies, you can only use this in winter. It is not heavy and moisturizing enough. . One of my favorite lotions in winter( ´` )

🎀🎀🎀 AHC AddB5Lotion

The last empty bottle to share in this issue isAHC moisturizing lotion< /span>👏🏻👏🏻

Forgive me for not understanding Korean, I don't know what this bottle of lotion is called. But remember that Yan Antang's lecture mentioned that the hyaluronic acid added with B5 is easier to absorb, and this lotion's hyaluronic acid is more easily absorbed. The moisturizing effect is also very good.. Slightly press with a warm palm to help absorb, and the smell is also very comfortable span>. Winter favorite, eh!

Okay, here's the 100 push of Panzi span>. If you are still interested continue to see my 90< span class="s1">After the middle-aged girl, please remember to follow me❤️

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💁🏻‍♀️Welcome to visit oftenYami Sanfan Bay Area Welfare Group, Yami Seattle Welfare GroupCome and chat with me

Finally, please remember

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话不多说,here we go

🎀🎀🎀 Albion 健康水


Albion的健康水我大概推荐了不下10次,油皮痘痘肌的最爱. 秋冬换季皮肤不稳定冒出来的不平整小闭口,连敷健康水34天基本就能消下去了. 想知道怎么配合化妆棉最大程度覆盖全脸的仙女请自行翻阅饼子以往的晒单( ´` )

🎀🎀🎀 Albion 奇迹细胞修复精华

这款精华也是饼子ride or die绝对不能缺少的爱用品❤️

成功把严重过敏、用什么乳液都会刺痛且不吸收的坏皮肤拯救过来. 一年四季春夏秋冬都在用. 蒸脸后按三泵涂全脸,然后湿敷健康水加强吸收,坚持一个月脸蛋真的会超白嫩!


🎀🎀🎀 Erno Laszlo 蛋白水

如果说晚上必不可少的维稳爽肤水是健康水,那么晨间活肤最佳必定是蛋白水. 這款略帶黏稠的水塗在臉上滑溜溜的,稍微按摩幾下就被皮膚吸收掉了. 瓶口開的比較大,個人比較喜歡用化妝棉按著瓶口搖搖搖,讓水沾湿再上臉. 蛋白水比健康水更保濕一些,在干到爆的加州冬日非常適用,後續上妝也不容易起皮.

🎀🎀🎀 城野醫生 毛孔收斂水

城野醫生家的水相信也是很多仙女的愛,上臉後冰冰涼涼的感覺簡直可以一直持續到擦完防晒后. 小瓶已經空瓶了,再入一瓶大的繼續用. 收縮毛孔的效果沒有看出來,倒是配合YamanHRF - 1能導出蠻多髒髒黃黃的東西的. 比其他化妝水更適合配合美容仪使用👍

🎀🎀🎀 IPSA 自律循環美白保濕乳液 I & III

美白保濕 I  

1號乳是水狀的,稀溜溜的水狀. 適合大油皮夏天使用. 不含油份,但保濕效果還不錯. 官方推薦使用三泵,餅子覺得對於水狀乳液來說還是很合理的.

美白保濕 III

右邊的3號乳就是傳統的乳液狀了,適合混合偏油的肌膚使用. 嚴重過敏時冬天只能選用這款了,算是不厚重而足夠保濕的一款了. 冬天愛用乳液之一( ´` )

🎀🎀🎀 AHC 添加B5的乳液


原諒我看不懂韓文啦,不知道這瓶乳液叫什麼名字. 不過記得言安堂的講課有提過添加了B5的玻尿酸更容易被吸收,而這款乳液的保濕效果也是非常不錯的. 稍微用搓熱的掌心按壓幚助吸收,味道聞著也很舒心. 冬日愛用,嗯!

好啦,餅子的第100篇推送就到這啦. 如果你還有興趣繼續看我的90后中年少女空瓶記請記得關注我喔❤️


