The best squid in LA for years 🦑! ! ! After trying all kinds of dried squid pieces that can't bite the fishy smell, I finally found my true love! ! ! I regret that I only bought a bag and called Yami to buy it quickly~ Kang Yuan chocolate biscuits taste like the little prince biscuits I ate when I was a child. The price is also very conscientious. Finally, let’s talk about Blue Scream. we can't miss
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在LA多年以来买到最好吃的鱿鱼🦑!!!经历尝试了各种咬不动各种腥味的鱿鱼丝干片块的我终于找到了真爱!!!后悔只买了一袋 给亚米打call赶紧进货哟~康元巧克力饼干吃起来很像小时候吃的小王子饼干 价格也很良心 最后说一下蓝色尖叫吧 多年心头爱 没喝过的盆友们不能错过