🌸Lazy Kuaishou's Simple Low Oil Spicy Hot Pot 🌸 Wangjiadu Mala Fragrant Pot base has been bought for a while, but lazy cancer patients have never used it... Looking at a large cauliflower in the refrigerator, I decided it was you for lunch, Simple Mala Fragrant Pot! —————— There are detailed instructions on the back of the packaging bag, which is also a more traditional (Que) cooking method, but it will consume more oil. Blanching vegetables with water makes them healthier [as witty as me...] The next step is very simple. If you don't want to eat children's shoes, you can saute minced garlic first, then add meat, vegetables, and Wangjiadu base material in turn. Stir fry for a few minutes and it's ok~ —————— About the taste: There are two small packets in the base, and I only used one of them this time to fry a cauliflower, a large green pepper, and two pieces of ham. The taste is spicy [nonsense! ] But the spiciness is good, but not salty [Maybe I have a strong taste...], I need to add additional salt~
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yami_featured_image 🌸懒人快手之简易少油麻辣香锅🌸 王家渡麻辣香锅底料买了也有一阵了,但是懒癌患者从来没用过……看着冰箱里的一颗大花菜,午饭决定就是你了,简易麻辣香锅! —————— 包装袋后面有详细的使用说明,也是比较传(Zheng)统(Que)的烹饪方法,但是这样做油就会比较多,没时间准备那么多食材也不想摄入太多油的话,可以先把蔬菜用水焯一下,就健康多了【机智如我……】 接下来就很简单,不忌口的童鞋可以先爆香蒜末,然后依次加入肉,蔬菜,王家渡底料,快炒几分钟就ok了~ —————— 关于味道: 底料里有两小包,我这次只用了其中一包,来炒一个花菜,一颗大青椒,两块火腿,味道是香辣的【废话!】但是辣度还好,但是不咸【也可能是我口味重……】,需要额外加盐哦~