🌸All 腊八 腊八porridge🌸 It is said that if you drink 腊八 porridge on this day, you can have a smooth and peaceful next year [Daily Superstition] —————— I don’t know if the definition of 腊八 porridge is the same everywhere [estimate is definitely not the same], anyway I prepared it according to the practice of eight treasures porridge~ 🍚Prepare eight kinds of rice or ingredients, I prepared: rice, glutinous rice, black you, red bean, mung bean, lotus seed, jujube and dried longan. Among them, the amount of rice is the largest, and the others are just a small handful of each. 🍚Wash these cereals and soak them in water overnight. When I wake up the next day, I will find that the dried longan has been completely soaked, and other cereals have become more plump after absorbing water for a night. 🍚I used a pressure cooker to cook. After filtering out the water, add water according to 1:2.5, then choose to cook porridge, wait patiently for half an hour, and then it will be out of the pot 🍚If you like sweetness, you can add some rock sugar before cooking, or add fine sugar after cooking and mix well~ Simple right? ! 😋
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yami_featured_image 🌸都腊八了不来碗粥嘛之腊八粥🌸 据说腊八这天喝腊八粥可以接下来的一年都顺顺利利,平平安安的【日常迷信】 —————— 不知道是不是每个地方的腊八粥定义都一样【估计肯定不都一样】,anyway我就是按照八宝粥的做法来准备的~ 🍚准备好八种米或材料,我准备的有:大米,糯米,黑你,红豆,绿豆,莲子,大枣和桂圆干。其中大米的量最多,其他的就每种抓了一小把而已。 🍚把这些谷类洗干净,用清水泡隔夜。第二天起来时会发现桂圆干已经完全泡开,其他的谷类吸了一晚上水后也变得更加饱满,这时候的糯米是一捏即碎的状态 🍚我用了高压锅来煮,将水滤出后,按照1:2.5加水,然后选择煮粥,耐心等待半小时后即可出锅 🍚喜欢甜味的话,可以在煮之前加点冰糖,或者煮好后加入细砂糖混匀~ 简单吧?!😋