If I want taro milk tea powder, in fact, the brands are similar. Although it is not very healthy, it is easy to make and delicious. The creamer tastes very fragrant hahaha I usually add milk and ice cubes and throw it into the juicer to make it without making milk tea. And it just fits the pearls bought at Yami 😘😘
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想要香芋奶茶粉,其实牌子都差不多,虽然不是很健康但很容易做也好喝,就是奶精味很香哈哈哈 我平时加牛奶和冰块一起扔到榨汁机里就可以做好啦都不用煮奶茶。而且刚好可以配在亚米买的珍珠呀😘😘