
Have you washed your puff beauty egg?

I used to have a friend who had chronic acne on his face. We all thought it was her own reasons. Although she changed several makeup removers and used a lot of acne products, the acne on her face still disappeared. We were discussing the reason during a small talk, and suddenly a young lady asked her Have you washed your puff. She said that very rarely, and occasionally washes with water, and feels that there is no need to buy cleaning liquid. Then we began to give her popular science that clean water could not wash off the bacteria on the puff, and the puffs and sponge eggs that had not been cleaned for a long time were like bacterial culture medium.

Nowadays, many young ladies attach great importance to removing makeup and cleansing, but some people neglect the cleaning of the makeup tools we use every day. If the puff is not cleaned regularly, it is easy to breed bacteria, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. It is understood that the puff that has not been cleaned for half a year was found to be covered with coliform yeast and microbes

There are so many popular sciences above, the next is the key point!

Beep beep beep!

Daiso Powder Puff Cleanser purchased from Yamibuy cheap bowl !

Next, I will teach you how to clean sponge eggs and puffs easily and quickly!

First take out a bag, I use a Costco ziplock bag< /span>

Can be reused without waste!

1⃣️Get out your dirty sponge eggsorPuff [sorry I forgot to take a picture], squeeze it in a particularly dirty place Apply an appropriate amount of cleaning solution [without water] and then rub it casually

2⃣️Put the puffor Sponge eggs, drop them in a bag, and add water to submerge them. Then squeeze the air out of the bag seal it

3⃣️Scrub and squeeze

Then soon you will see water change to this color< /span>

In this step, you can vent to them as much as you like, it's really cool to fry chicken

4⃣️Basically, after one step, the sponge egg will return to its original color. Then take them out, squeeze the water out, and add water.

5⃣️Repeat the above steps until the wash comes out clean

Is it like new after washing! !

Then let it dry~

If I wash the brush, I will add water in advance

It always feels wasteful because a large bottle is poured into it

I would take a small bowl of water and pour a small circle into it and stir Evenly

Then drop the brush in

Let it rest I might take a shower in the meantime< /span>

When you come back, take a brush and stir the water

At this time, you will find that the whole basin of water has changed color

Then change the water Stir again

Until the brush is clean

If you find any better and more convenient way to clean the puff~ welcome to discuss in the comments∠( ”∠) span>_

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我之前有个朋友,脸上长期冒痘。我们都以为是她自身原因,尽管她换了好几个卸妆,祛痘产品也用了不少,但是脸上痘痘照样不消。我们有一次闲聊的时候在讨论原因,突然有个小姐姐问她 你洗过你的粉扑吗。她说 很少,偶尔也是用清水洗,觉得没必要买清洗液。然后我们就开始给她科普清水洗不掉粉扑上的细菌,长期没洗干净的粉扑和海绵蛋,就像一个个细菌培养基。




在亚米购入的大创粉扑清洁液 便宜大碗!




1⃣️拿出你脏不拉几的海绵蛋or粉扑【对不起我忘记拍图了】,在特别脏的位置上 挤上适量的清洁液【不加水】然后随便揉一下

2⃣️把粉扑or海绵蛋,丢进袋子里,加水 淹没它们。然后把袋子空气挤掉 密封起来


然后很快你就会看到 清水变成了这个颜色








我会拿一小盆水,然后倒一小圈进去 搅拌均匀


静置一下 ,这段时间我可能会去洗个澡



然后换水 再搅一下


如果大家发现什么更好更方便的方法来清洗粉扑~欢迎在评论中一起讨论哟∠( 」∠)_