【sesame sauce! Cool skin! 】 Omg sesame is an angel! Sesame! It's an angel! Chen Cun this... Save the salted fish without sesame sauce! The skin is super strong! Q bomb! And it says no additions other than flour or water! I gave a lot of vegetable buns (although my urination will definitely add to the mess myself), and the vinegar buns won my heart! But there is some precipitation in the vinegar bag, if you don't like it, be careful when pouring vinegar. And I think that the vinegar is a little too little and not enough, and once I poured some rice vinegar into it... The powder bag is a little lumpy, I took a look and thought it was fine, but I didn't smell anything. I poured the vinegar packet over it and used it to dissolve the powder packet. The sauce bag is a bit lumpy because it is sesame sauce. It is recommended to rub it with your hands to remove it while waiting for the noodles. Peanut butter and crushed peanuts are added in it, and the whole is sweetened with a little sweetness. In addition, pepper and salt are added to taste. The complex miso that was poured on the hot surface was aroused. Although I usually don't do so many tricks when I eat sesame noodles, I am very happy to eat such a meal out. I also gave a bag of mustard greens, although I don't know why 😂 The first time I finished eating, I only remembered it, but then I was lazy and st0 it directly into the noodles. Anyway, I don't have a serious vegetable code, even the kale, celery, lettuce and eggs are on it. What is it to add blindly mustard 😂 It can only be said that the only downside of this noodle is that the amount is too small to eat... and the taste is not strong enough for me, a diehard fan of sesame sauce 😂 ps personal homemade sesame sauce noodles After the noodles are boiled, the sesame sauce is removed, and an appropriate amount of salt is added, and the cucumber is shredded. Pour the soy sauce into the bowl and pour it on the freshly fried Sichuan pepper oil, scoop two spoons into the bowl warmly, and pour some vinegar. absolutely 👌
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yami_featured_image 【麻酱!凉皮!】 Omg芝麻是天使!芝麻!是天使! 陈村这个… 拯救没有麻酱吃的咸鱼!面皮超劲道!q弹!而且还说没有面粉或水以外的添加! 菜包给的很多(虽然我这尿性绝对会自己再加乱七八糟),还给了醋包简直深得我心!但醋包里有些沉淀,如果不喜欢的话倒醋的时候要小心些。而且我觉得醋有点少不太够,有次还自己倒了点米醋进去… 粉包有些结块,我瞄了瞄觉得没问题,但也没闻出来是啥味的。我就把醋包倒上去化开粉包用了。 酱包因为是麻酱所以有些结块,建议在等面的时候用手揉搓一下把它卸开。里面加了花生酱花生碎,整个调了点甜味进去,除此之外还加了花椒盐等调味。倒在热面上繁复的味道噌地就被激出来了。虽然我一般吃麻酱面的时候不搞这么多花样,但在外吃上这么一顿也是很幸福了。 还送了包榨菜,虽然我不知道为啥😂第一次我吃完了才想起来,后来懒,直接塞进面里了。反正我也没有正经菜码,连芥蓝芹菜生菜鸡蛋都上了,加一味榨菜算啥😂 只能说,这款面,唯一的缺点就是量太少吃不够… 还有对于我这麻酱死忠粉来说味道不够浓吧😂 ps个人的家常麻酱面 切面煮了,麻酱卸开加适量盐,黄瓜切丝。酱油倒在碗里用刚炸的花椒油泼上,就着温乎劲舀两勺进碗,再倒点醋。绝了👌